Look into their eyes as they look into our souls

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Our Mission

Genesis Animal Welfare was established to save the lives of animals. We are dedicated to ending unnecessary euthanasia. We do this through direct life saving. Below are some of the ways you can help.

Help our dedicated team to save the lives of animals

It’s in our DNA.

Provide a Warm Bed

Many times our animals are rescued from terrible conditions and unspeakable cruelty. They require a lot of love, care, understanding and compassion to trust humans again. Some need us because of owner abandonment.

Some owners can no longer afford to feed their animals because of the costs of living. After veterinary care, our animals are placed with foster carers and evaluated so that we can find them a loving forever home and family.

Fosterers – This is the middle point before adoption where animals receive care and love and learn to trust again.

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